diff --git a/templates/repo/settings/options.tmpl b/templates/repo/settings/options.tmpl
index 191ac53967..5ce3cf3448 100644
--- a/templates/repo/settings/options.tmpl
+++ b/templates/repo/settings/options.tmpl
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
 		{{$newMirrorsPartiallyEnabled := or (not .DisableNewPullMirrors) (not .DisableNewPushMirrors)}}
 		{{/* .Repository.IsMirror is not always reliable if the repository is not actively acting as a mirror because of errors. */}}
 		{{$showMirrorSettings := and (.Repository.UnitEnabled $.Context $.UnitTypeCode) (or $newMirrorsPartiallyEnabled .Repository.IsMirror .PullMirror .PushMirrors)}}
+		{{$showFederationSettings := true}}
 		{{$newMirrorsEntirelyEnabled := and (not .DisableNewPullMirrors) (not .DisableNewPushMirrors)}}
 		{{$onlyNewPushMirrorsEnabled := and (not .DisableNewPushMirrors) .DisableNewPullMirrors}}
 		{{$onlyNewPullMirrorsEnabled := and .DisableNewPushMirrors (not .DisableNewPullMirrors)}}
@@ -74,6 +75,15 @@
 		{{$modifyBrokenPullMirror := and .Repository.IsMirror (not .PullMirror)}}
 		{{$isWorkingPullMirror := .PullMirror}}
+		{{if $showFederationSettings}}
+			<h4 class="ui top attached header">
+				Federation
+			</h4>
+			<div class="ui attached segment">
+				Repositories federated with the current one.
+			</div>
+		{{end}}
 		{{if $showMirrorSettings}}
 			<h4 class="ui top attached header">
 				{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.settings.mirror_settings"}}